Coalition Responds to U.S. Supreme Court

Coalition Responds to U.S. Supreme Court

Outcome of Aug. 2 election will determine whether Kansans retain the ability to make personal decisions about their own bodies and health care


TOPEKA KAN June 24, 2022. The overturning of Roe v. Wade has removed fundamental protection for reproductive health care decisions around abortion. This reversal will impact all of us for years to come.

The rights lost today by so many are fundamental to the decisions victims have to make every day to survive. They need access to all reproductive health services in order to regain the personal autonomy lost to the abuse and violence. Everyone, including victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence, must have the right to control their own body as well as the right to exercise self-determination in all health care decisions.

On this day, we also remind Kansans that the Kansas Constitution still supports our rights to self-determination and reproductive decision-making. Our Kansas Supreme Court has held that the right to make decisions about one’s own body is fundamental, applies to all Kansans, and is protected by our state’s constitution. Because of this Kansas decision, abortion is still legal and available in Kansas today even after the reversal of Roe.

But the Kansas Legislature has put an amendment to the Kansas Constitution on the ballot on August 2. This vote will determine the fate of abortion in Kansas.

A “yes” vote will pass this amendment and will remove abortion from the rights protected by the Kansas Constitution. A “yes” vote will allow the legislature to eliminate access to abortion for Kansans all together.

A “no” vote will keep Kansas laws as they are, abortion will continue to be heavily regulated but available. A “no” vote will not expand abortion rights but will allow it to continue to be available.

We encourage Kansans to educate themselves and to vote on August 2.

We support the right to make personal decisions about ourselves, our safety, our lives, and our families.


Founded in 1982, and celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, the purpose of the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence (KCSDV) is the prevention and elimination of sexual and domestic violence through a statewide network of programs providing support and safety for all victims of sexual and domestic violence and stalking with a primary focus on women and their children; direct services; public awareness and education; advocacy for victims; comprehensive prevention; and social change efforts. Learn more at




Last Updated on Jun 24, 2022