This webpage includes resources for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who are victims and survivors of sexual and domestic violence and stalking. This webpage is also for people providing support and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Some people with I/DD call themselves “self-advocates.” You will see that terminology (“self-advocate”) used on this webpage.
Kansas Resources
- Disability Rights Center of Kansas: https://www.drckansas.org/
- Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities: https://kcdd.org/resources
- Self-Advocate Coalition of Kansas (SACK): https://sackonline.org/
National Resources
- End Abuse of People with Disabilities: https://www.endabusepwd.org/
- Vera Institute of Justice: https://www.vera.org/securing-equal-justice/ensuring-access-for-people-with-disabilities-and-deaf-people
- National statistics on how people with disabilities are impacted by sexual and domestic violence: https://www.kcsdv.org/learn-more/statistics/
KCSDV’s Disabilities Project
KCSDV has a KCSDV Disabilities Project. The KCSDV Disabilities Project and the Self-Advocate Coalition of Kansas (SACK) partnered to create the Kansas Building and Expanding Leaders and Individuals, Experience the Vision of Empowerment (BELIEVE) Partnership Project (Kansas BELIEVE Project). The mission of the Kansas BELIEVE Project is to improve services and support to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) who have experienced sexual violence. The Kansas BELIEVE Project team created four toolkits. The toolkits are linked below. The Kansas BELIEVE Project team also created a guide for using Zoom. The guide is linked below. Read more about KCSDV’s Disabilities Project at https://www.kcsdv.org/fall-2020-newsletter-disabilities-impact/.
Self-Advocate Toolkits
1. Self-Advocate Toolkit on Accommodation: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/201130-Kansas-Believe_Self-Advocate-Accommodation-Toolkit_Final.pdf
2. Self-Advocate Toolkit on Guardianship: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/201130-Kansas-Believe_Self-Advocate-Guardianship-Toolkit_Final.pdf
Sexual Assault Advocacy Toolkits
3. Sexual Assault Advocacy Toolkit on Accommodation: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/201130-Kansas-Believe_Sexual-Assault-Advocacy-Accommodation-Toolkit.pdf
4. Sexual Assault Advocacy Toolkit on Guardianship: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/201130-Kansas-Believe_Sexual-Assault-Advocacy-Guardianship-Toolkit_Final.pdf
Healthy Relationships Guide:
1. Kansas BELIEVE Self-Advocate Toolkit Healthy Relationships-Final: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Kansas-BELIEVE-Self-Advocate-Toolkit_Healthy-Relationships-Final.pdf
Self-Advocate Accessible Zoom Guide
Below the Self-Advocate Accessible Zoom Guide is linked. The information in the guidance document is to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) use the computer software program Zoom for a virtual meeting on the computer. The guide can help people to access and take part in virtual Zoom meetings.
Self-Advocate Accessible Zoom Guide: https://www.kcsdv.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/201208-KS-BELIEVE-Accessible-Zoom-Guide_KCSDV.pdf