Expert Advice
The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence is the leading voice supporting victim/survivors in our state. Our team brings to the Coalition their combined experiences as system advocates and working in direct services helping survivors. Many staff members at KCSDV have prior experience:
- Developing primary prevention initiatives
- Advocating directly for victims as their non-legal representative
- Training medical and criminal justice professionals
- Responding to child-parent domestic violence issues and guiding trauma informed support
- Developing curricula related to domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
- Supporting survivors from marginalized communities
- Supporting media and public relations professionals regarding survivor behavior, awareness of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and the impacts on communities
- Conducting public awareness campaigns
KCSDV relies on our experiences and understanding as well as our partners nationally to serve survivors. Any professional or advocate seeking consultation regarding the needs of a survivor or how to respond to violence in their communities should contact KCSDV for support that recognizes your situation.
For an introduction to how trauma impacts survivors as related to legal proceedings, we invite you to review a recorded training with Jonathan Kurland with AEquitas. Hosted by KCSDV, this training provides guidance on recognizing the impacts of trauma in survivor testimony and how to support a through these critical aspects of a case.
You can review the materials from this presentation here:
6.18.2024 Understanding and Explaining Victim Behavior PPT Handout
If you have any questions or require expert advice – please email