Who we are
- KCSDV is a statewide network working to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence, dating violence and stalking
- Our membership of 27 statewide advocacy organizations provides direct services to survivors and resources for communities
- We were established as a private, non-profit organization in 1982
What we do
- Provide a voice for victims and the programs that serve them
- Provide training & technical assistance for advocates & allies:
- Hosted 106 training events
- Trained 2,479 people
- Answered 2,300 inquiries (numbers represent October 2013 – September 2014)
- Coordinate statewide initiatives:
- Accreditation Standards
- Prevention
- Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners
- Sexual Assault Response Teams
- Protection Order Project
- Rural Services Project
Collaborative Partners
- Governor’s Office
- Attorney General’s Office
- Law Enforcement Training Center
- Office of Judicial Administration
- Dept. of Health & Environment
- Dept. of Corrections
- Dept. for Children and Families
- Legal Services
- Association of Independent Living Centers
Our Purpose
The purpose of KCSDV is the prevention and elimination of sexual and domestic violence through a statewide network providing support and safety for all victims of sexual and domestic violence, with primary focus on women and their children; direct services; public awareness and education; advocacy for victims; and social change efforts.
Services to Member Advocates and Allies
KCSDV provides technical assistance, training, legal advocacy, and policy analysis on a variety of topics for member programs and ally organizations across Kansas.
- Child Welfare
- Economic Justice
- Legal Research and Analysis
- National Collaboration
- Statewide Collaboration
- Primary Prevention
- Perpetrator Accountability
- Media Relations & Public Relations
- Underserved Communities
- Protection Orders
- Criminal Justice Issues
For More Information:
Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
634 SW Harrison
Topeka, KS 66603
Kansas Crisis Hotline: 888-END-ABUSE