Domestic Violence Awareness Month Reminds Us That Domestic Violence is a Public Health Problem Year-Round
- October 4, 2019
- Posted by: Lucca Wang
- Categories: 2019, All News & Blog Posts, Press Releases
TOPEKA, Kan. – The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) recognizes the 32nd annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month this October. The month is dedicated to increasing awareness about domestic violence and how widespread domestic violence is.
In 2017, Kansas law enforcement agencies reported 22,708 domestic violence incidents and 11,356 domestic violence arrests. In the same year, 59,481 Kansans sought and were provided with victim advocacy services by 26 victim advocacy services programs across the state.
In 2018:
- 77,263 Kansans sought and were provided with victim advocacy services by 26 victim advocacy services programs across the state.
- In just one day, Kansas domestic violence victim advocacy services programs provided services to a total of 702 domestic violence victims.
- 4,000 requests for service had to be referred to other service providers outside the victim’s community.
- One in four homicides in Kansas were domestic violence-related.
The state proclamation will be signed by the governor at a ceremony on Friday, October 11.
“It takes us all to create safer communities free from violence and oppression,” said Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV) Executive Director Joyce Grover.
For further information on domestic violence, contact Lucca Wang at 785-633-6648 and
The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (KCSDV)’s mission is to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence. Find more information on KCSDV’s website at
The 24-hour Kansas Crisis Hotline is 888-END-ABUSE (888-363-2287).
Last Updated on Oct 7, 2019