Kansas Coalition Provides Services to All

NNEDV condemns ICE detention of immigrant victim of domestic violence.

For Immediate Release:  FEBRUARY 16, 2017

TOPEKA, KS – Recently, a domestic violence victim was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in El Paso, TX while seeking a protection order from her abuser. While not all details are known at this time, the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence is very concerned about the implications of what this could mean for victims of domestic and sexual violence who have immigration concerns.

Many times, a victim who has the courage to come forward and ask for help has to overcome many concerns before reaching out but to add the fear of being deported makes this situation much worse for victims.

“The Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence is responding to this threat to victim safety by disseminating helpful resources across the state for programs and victims.” says Joyce Grover, Executive Director of KCSDV.

Perpetrators of domestic and sexual violence will often use a victims’ immigration status as a way to control them, intimidating them with threats of deportation and possible separation from children and other family members. Abusers often lie about what the government might do to victims, raising fears even when victims have legal status.

“The precedent set by this incident in El Paso charts a new course, one that appears to marginalize the safety of victims of violence”, says Grover. “We want everyone to know that safe services are available across Kansas. Advocates have and will continue to provide safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic and sexual violence regardless of immigration status.”



Last Updated on Sep 8, 2018